These four things are not only great “resolutions” for the New Year, but are ones that you can always turn to when you need to help your body restore + H E A L!
1. Sleep
If you are going to focus on only one of these, this would be it! Aim for 7-8 hours per night with all your might.
Try this: Try a guided Yoga Nidra mediation before bed, you likely won’t make it to the end before you fall asleep -OR- make your bedroom a technology free zone and commit to no technology 1 hour before bed!
2. Mindset
Your mindset sets the tone for each moment of your life. Every waking moment of the day, we are talking to ourselves – make sure you’re saying something positive!
Try this: Ask yourself each morning “what can I be excited about today?” This sets you up to find the good in the day before it even begins!
3. Movement:
It’s common to go overboard with this, especially in the New Year. Instead of going from 0 to 60, take a look at your current routine and focus on a simple way to add more movement.
Try this: Stand or walk around your house while you scroll on social media -OR- stretch while watching Netflix.
4. Nourishment:
This isn’t about ELIMINATING foods from your life. Instead, focus on what you can ADD that gives your body extra nutrients, vitamins and fuel!
Try this: Add a veggie to dinner each night -OR- add a source of protein to every meal.
These four things done with consistency pave a solid foundation for a healthy body, mind and soul! We challenge you to pick one that you are going to focus on. Spend some time today making a plan of how you can make it a priority in your day, week, or even month!